Saturday looked good early, but the upper atmosphere is very moist and overdevelopment (both horizontal and vertical) was in the forecast. After a hot hike up the hill, I found plenty of people on launch and plenty in the air, too. Unusually at St Andre, I found myself flying in traffic for the first 10 or 15 minutes and a little worried by a couple of pilots.
I ended up flying around the Thorame valley until things shut down. I had hoped to fly back to St Andre, but there always seemed to be a monster cloud in the way. Cloudbase was relatively low - 2600m - which put many of the peaks in the clouds and discouraged me from flying further N. Some goldfish bowl flying around the Thorame valley - a relatively open, friendly place - seemed the best option. The clouds closed in very quickly, and once they did, my sink alarm seemed to be on until my feet hit the ground.
Back in St Andre with a big storm moved in from the S, with some gust fronts, before soaking the village.