Today's forecast degraded over night. it was encouraging enough to go up the hill, but long before getting to launch I doubted it would be good. The wind was too strong, the sky was too blue and then I saw a couple of wings struggling at launch height.
I flew for about 30 minutes before deciding to land. Some of the thermals were really abrupt, like flying into a brick wall. But they were all broken up; I could only get 250m above launch. It didn't really feel dangerous, but I didn't see any point flying all afternoon in super-rough air with limited terrain clearance.
The air was messy enough to avoid the main LZ. I landed at La Mure in gusty conditions and spent an hour talking to an old gentlemen. He had seen me land and offered me a lift back to St Andre but he settled for a chat.
A not very impressive tracklog
A not very impressive tracklog
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