Saturday, January 14, 2012

First Decent Flight of 2012

I've had a couple of hike and flies this year, but Saturday's forecast was the first that was good enough for me to take my "normal" gear up to launch. Last year at this time, snow had blocked the road up to launch and flying was a very solitary experience. Today was hardly busy, but there were around 10 so pilots up on the launch throughout the afternoon.

Conditions seemed promising, if very cold, as I got ready with 4 other pilots on the W launch. When conditions are at all good here, you launch and go up. But in the very dead of winter you often get a reality check; promising conditions can be deceptive.  I launched at the back end of the other pilots and struggled about 50 meters below launch in small, rowdy thermals. I went from slowly losing height, to maintaining, to slowly creeping above launch height - and then it was easy. The other pilots weren't so lucky and had sunk out almost immediately; we probably should have waited another 20 minutes before launching.  

Conditions slowly improved - the thermals got bigger and less sharp-edged - and I got nearly 600m above launch. It was very cold and I didn't want any retrieve hassles, so I didn't do anything very adventurous. More pilots arrived - including the early launchers coming back for a second flight - and everyone enjoyed the good conditions. I landed just short of 2 hours as the batteries in my gloves gave up. Hardly epic flying, but lovely views and not too bad for 2 weeks into the year.

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