Saturday, July 2, 2022

Day 6 - Egurgui to Col Bagargui

Towards the top of the pathless slope, looking back on yesterday's hiking

I had seen a forecast back in Roncesvalles that predicted 30C temperatures today, so I made an early start. The day started with a climb up a steep grass slope where the guidebook warns you that there really isn't any path. It sounds a bit ominous but it turned out to be fairly reasonable. It's an open slope, the gradient eases after the start, you can see where you need to get to and the lack of a path means you don't need to worry about losing the trail! After about an hour of climbing I arrived at a ridge where I joined a decent path and headed north east.

Joining a decent path below the ridge of Urkulu

After a couple of hours of relatively flat hiking, first contouring a slope then across a plateau, I joined the GR10. After some of the hiking on the last two days this felt like a motorway! There wasn't any shade and the temperature was rising, so when the trail descended from the Plateau d'Okabe into a wood, I took the opportunity of having a shady lunch. 

Following the GR10 on the Plateau d'Okabe; Pic d'Ohry in the distance

I resumed hiking with a descent through woods and then a hot walk along an unshaded valley road. The day's hiking ended with a climb through woods up to the Chalets d'Iraty. There I booked into my night's accommodation, the gîte d'étape at the Col Bagargui, and visited a small food shop where I bought myself a well earned ice cream and some supplies for the next few days. I took my evening meal in a resto beside the gîte, and very nice it was too!

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