Thursday, June 4, 2009

WCPC Day 4

The day didn't start well. First, I wiped up the rain that leaked into my tent overnight. Then I braved the new showers at the campground; they are new, but suffer from a pretty basic design flaw. The drainage is all screwed up and the entire floor is under about half an inch of muddy water - you need to concentrate to keep your clothes clean. And then I discover that some joker had left a monster turd in the urinal for someone else to clean up.

It looked like we might sneak in a task in before it overdeveloped - there were no monster clouds early on. Launch was opened and pilots were in the air but big clouds and rain were approaching from the East. In the end, the task was cancelled before the race started. We flew down and landed in the LZ as quickly as possible, wanting to beat any gust fronts. Only a few drops of rain fell, things cleared up but the afternoon stayed unstable.

Hoping for better weather...

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