There were predictions of thunderstorms in the afternoon, so the idea was to head up the hill early and get in a short task that avoided the high ground. Riding up on the chairlift, the sky was 95% blue, but the other 5% was pretty impressive. We had just enough time to program the task into our GPSs before it was cancelled. Right then it was perfectly flyable, but based on the forecast and the growing mushroom clouds it seemed unlikely that a task could be safely completed. There was some grumbling but five minutes later a thunderclap silenced all that.

Most pilots flew back down the hill but launch conditions were poor and I didn’t see the point so I rode the chairlift back down with some fellow wimps. The afternoon weather was a little surprising; no deluges, very little fireworks, no gust fronts - just a gray, slightly gusty and damp afternoon. I wasn’t disappointed at all to have a rest day and I explored some of the nearby villages. At one town hall notice-board I found the poster of an XC pilot that disappeared a week ago; it was on the evening news a couple of nights ago.
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