There were mixed forecasts for today; as we drove up the hill hang glider pilots were driving down because they felt it was too strong. Up on top it seemed a typical La Chabre day; the inversion was creating a 'vertical venturi' and the sensible thing was to let the inversion break before launching. But it never seemed too strong for a paraglider, never mind a hang glider.
Chris launched and was able to stay up as everyone else got ready. I wasn't keen to launch too soon and then wait for everyone else, so I waited until a couple of other launched. By then it was easy to get up and Chris, Johaness., Mark and I climbed out. My radio wasn't working so I left the others at Beaumont, flew E to the 'volcano' at St. Genis and then flew past Veynes and landed in a wide part of the valley - just over 30 Km from launch. I really enjoyed my flying; towards the end I had a choice between being aggressive and careful; I favored the later (I was worried by the strength of the wind in the valley bottom) but I was probably a little too cautious.
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