The wind got stronger in the early afternoon and the only ones flying were students at the local school and professional tandem pilots – all using heavily assisted launches. Just crazy. Eventually, the wind got less strong, a shorter task was called but there was a lot of overdevelopment. I wasn’t convinced and was expecting to ride the chairlift back down. Two people launched and the task was cancelled.
Again, a lot of pilots flew down – this seemed even more dubious than yesterday. As I got to the bottom on the chairlift the first drops of rain started. A brief deluge and 30 minutes later it was all blue skies and sunshine. I headed to Seyne to see the citadel, but only had time from a brief tour before it closed.
PS As we were on launch and the South wind was strongest, a paraglider appeared high above us from the S, flying fast. It stopped for maybe 5 turns over the nearby peak (the Dormillouse) and continued North. To the North there is an impressive range of mountains called Les Ecrins – I haven’t checked out how the flight hits these mountains. I’ve climbed some of these peaks on skis, but flying over them seems a little – hmmm - committing. Turns out this was a 330 Km (around 210 miles) flight; not a record but not far from it; the retrieve was a commercial flight back South.
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