I had a number of simple things to sort out today (internet no longer working, important mail not delivered or not received or lost after being received). I'm sure I'm already looking through rose-tinted glasses, but I can't really recall any of these things happening in 15 years in the States.

Once I had internet connectivity, I had to deal with issues at work. As a result, I set of for a longish hike at 3 pm. No drive was involved - just a hike and climb to a nice ridge (La Crete des Serres), a walk along the ridge, a steep descent and a walk back to town.
The wind was still too strong to fly today, but it wasn't as unreasonable as yesterday. For the first time this year, the climb up was hot. Lovely views in all directions, with clouds covering the high mountains of the Mercantour to the East, but everywhere else was blue.
I finished the hike getting back to St Andre with the last of the light, tired but happy.
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