Monday, May 31, 2010

Mistral Day Hike

Today was a strong Mistral day, so I never considered flying and instead went for a hike. I had intended to get up early so I could do a hike and then watch the Grand Prix afterwards but I'm glad to say I slept too well for that!

It was noon before I started my hike. Low down, the wind wasn't too strong, but it was obviously very windy higher up - cumulus clouds were flying past the peaks. Mistral days often bring a deep blue cloudless sky but there were plenty of clouds today - low cumulus, high cirrus and contrails. 

My hike was a triangle in the medium mountains N of St. Andre. The high altitude part of the hike crosses some lovely pastures used by sheep through the summer months but they are still deserted. I looked in a couple of cabanes that will be used by the shepherds for their 3 month summer stays - rooms with a view, but a little spartan. I saw very little wildlife - 4 marmottes is all I can remember. 

The wind was strong enough to make walking difficult; at one point, it ripped off my sun-glasses and they went flying. I was 'in the lee' for most of the hike, which meant the wind direction kept changing unpredictably. I got wet from waterfalls several hundred feet below me. Taking a pee was a major challenge involving expert control and timing. All in all, a good day to be on the ground!

More pics at ->

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