Friday, April 30, 2010

Roll on May....

I've been in St Andre for most of April (I spent a few days in Scotland last weekend) and the flying has been pretty poor. Only 4 flights and 3 skunks. There were plenty of other days when I could have flown by going up the hill early or late, but I didn't.

Of course, bad flying conditions don't always mean bad weather; almost all the days have been sunny, at least part of the day. So I've had some nice hikes and last night I had my first bike ride here. And my stay in Scotland reminded me that a bad day in the South of France isn't quite the same as a bad day (or even a normal day) in Scotland.

I guess it's a bad sign when your skunks are more interesting than your flights... Each skunk, others flew, though not everyone who did so enjoyed it! Two of the skunks were border line cases - only the third one seemed a 'no brainer', but then 60+ pilots flew in a comp!

The next few days don't look much better, but hopefully things will improve before I head back to the States.

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