Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Day 8 - Two High Points

Crete des Gittes
Today is a long day - from the Refuge du Col de la Croix du Bonhomme to the Refuge de la Balme Tartenaise (it's even long to type...) - so we were up early. There were two high points and we encountered the first one almost straight away. The Crete des Gittes is a sharp ridge that had a path made in it for military purposes - it's airy but straightforward (at least, when there is no snow). The sun was at a low angle, and this made the crest look even sharper. The rest of the morning was less spectacular but enjoyable walking, and we stopped for lunch before the climb to the Col de Bresson. 

We made our own ways up to the col and I hiked up with a trail runner. He was happy with my climbing pace and was expecting to do Chamonix to Nice in 15 days; he said he didn't actually run, he just walked fast and did 'double days' - about 12 hours. I waited at the col as he continued and soon we were reunited; Rahul and Jill continued to the hut while Rohan and I went on a little side-trip to try to get decent photos of the day's other high point. 

La Pierra Menta
La Pierra Menta is a huge rocky mountain - like one of the Chamonix aiguilles or a huge pinnacle. You can only get to the summit by rock climbing and we weren't equipped for that. Our quest for decent photos was thwarted by low clouds and flat light (it gets the best light in the early morning) but it still was quite a sight.

Our hut was very nice, easily the best so far of the hike; after yesterday's crowded hut on the TMB, we almost had the place to ourselves. There was a wonderful cooking smell and the meal really delivered; interestingly, the menu was the same as the previous evening (lentil soup followed by daube), but it was twice as good. When I had reserved it, the lady taking my booking wanted to make sure I had the right hut. Apparently there are three huts called the Refuge de la Balme and they are within a (long) day's hike of each other, so it's hardly surprising that people make mistakes!

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